mindful movement

Why your Greatest Ally Against Quarantine Stress is a Mindful, Expressive Movement Practice

Why your Greatest Ally Against Quarantine Stress is a Mindful, Expressive Movement Practice

Maybe you are someone whose stress levels have not actually gone up in the last weeks. If that’s you, that’s wonderful! For, me, though I don’t overly have reasons for my anxiety and nervousness to increase, I have still been feeling this at times. At times I wonder whether it is even my anxiety that I am experiencing or whether it is more my picking up on a sense of collective angst; an increase in the overall level of tension in society at the difficulty of less contact with others and the uncertainty of the future that every single one of us is facing. Either way, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I do my utmost to keep my own system regulated, calm and vibrant. Here are two reasons why a movement practice is a powerful tool to do exactly this.